24 cryptocurrencies
Total Market Cap $2,493,620,914,182
Total Volume 24h $10,817,041,010
Cryptocurrency Price 24h % Change Supply arrow_drop_down Market cap 24h Performance
1 Bitcoin Bitcoin $105,568.79 4.26% 19,813,436 BTC $2,091,680,530,432
2 Ethereum Ethereum $3,331.20 3.43% 120,501,760 ETH $401,415,045,120
3 Dash Dash $36.77 4.95% 12,111,715 DASH $445,345,600
4 Metal Metal $1.19 5.91% 66,588,888 MTL $79,162,920
5 The Hempcoin The Hempcoin $0.0011 4.26% 267,603,040 THC $282,505
6 PotCoin PotCoin $0.0007 4.26% 420,000,000 POT $274,901
7 DopeCoin DopeCoin $0.0022 -0.02% 124,991,368 DOPE $272,704
8 Budbo Budbo $0.01 4.26% 0 BUBO $0
9 MarijuanaCoin MarijuanaCoin $0.0002 1.15% 0 MAR $0
10 Tokes Tokes $0.0020 0.12% 0 TKS $0